Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Exercise and the Brain

A study found that the effects of exercise were at least as good, if not better, than those seen with certain drugs.

"Brisk walking led to slight improvements on mental tests for older people with memory problems in what is billed as the first rigorous test of exercise on the aging brain.

The results from the small Australian study were only modest. But they back up observational studies showing potential mental benefits from physical activity."

This is just the latest in series of studies that reconfirm the relationship between exercise and our brains.. This study is different because the participants already were having memory problems or had shown beginning stages of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.  The point here is that an organized, consistent workout regime has a tremendous effect on our mental abilities.  This is contrary to what the "science" of the brain was just 20 years ago.

I really believe that for optimal "personal' development a vigorous, consistent workout program is mandatory, not an option like we once thought.  For help structuring an effective and efficient program please visit my website by clicking

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